Yan Knives does NOT sell ,rent or share customers personal information (e-mail addresses, physical addresses, telephone number, etc.) to any third parties. PERIOD

E-mail orders : You will automatically receive an e-mail conformation at the time your order is placed or when the order is shipped. If you modify an order on-line, you will receive an e-mail confirming the changes.

What’s the best way to contact us ? For products inquiry and customers services ?
Email to this address : and chances are you’ll get a reply within 24-48 hours. Please leave us a telephone number if you need to speak to us in person, we’ll call back . We’re committed to providing no-nonsense customer service!

Newsletter Subscribe & Unsubscribe
Newsletter e-mail is sent in accordance with the US CAN-SPAM Law in effect
01/01/2004. Removal requests can be sent to this address and will be honored
and respected.

Future Changes
Yan Knives has no reason to believe that this policy will change, but if a change does occur, it will be posted to this page.